torsdag den 30. maj 2013

My appartment

Since I am updating my blog I must tell about my new appartment!
1/3-2013 I moved into an appartment in Gellerup, Aarhus. It is situated on the 7th floor and the view is fabulous ! (Am trying to upload some pictures of it - Update: yeah I found a blogger-app so that it is easy to uploade pictures etc!)
This is the view:

Gellerup is an area in my city that has been said to be a ghetto. People are afraid of being here because the medias in Denmark has created the image that everyone living in Gellerup is gang members or violent. So I've experienced that many people asked me: "Gellerup? Are you not afraid?" And to that I can only say: NO!

I will say that this is the best place I've ever lived ! The area is great, my neighbors are the kindest family ever from Libanon. They have been of so great support for me!

The apartment is 41 square meters , and consists of a kitchen/living room and a set-aside bedroom, a bathroom and two balconies!
So when I will manage to get a few pictures posted, you will all be invited to my online housewarming :D

The sky before a rainstorm! So amazingly beautiful.

This picture is to me very special! You see, when I moved into my appartment my kitchen didn't work so I had no fridge nor a stove. 3 days after I moved in the door bell rang. Outside stood one of the girls living next-door, and they gave me this new-made food! Never in my life has potatoes, Brown gravey and Meat tasted so good!

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