onsdag den 4. december 2013

Lchf-liqourice-cookies and update

Hey guys!
So, I am still here and right now I am finishing my bachelor-thesis.
A lot of things has happend since my last blog.
25/10 I had a fall from my bike, I fell down with my face first and it was bleeding hard. So an ambulance came to pick me up, I was walking to it though because I wasn't unconscious af any time. I got a pretty deep wound on my chin, got 8 stitches, including wounds on my nose, on my forehead and on my hands.
 I know it's quite dark , but I guess it is easy to see the damage!
But praise God He gave me a quick recovery! 
This is approx 1 week after the accident! 

And then I have been busy with my bachelor-thesis and tomorrow I should be done with my part of the assignment!

So anyways - back to the headline: LCHF-cookies without eggs and gluten
Approx 10 roasted hazelnuts
Approx 50 g coconut-flour
Baking powder
Licorice powder
3 tbsp Whipped cream

So the hazelnuts and the coconut flour I blended to make it "powderish". Then I added the sweetener, the baking powder, the licorice powder and mixed it together. Then at last I added the whipped cream.
I stirred it together and it appeared to be a good dough.
So I placed 9 small scoops on a baking plate and turned the oven to 145 degrees Celsius, in approx 15 minutes.

This is the final result!
They are cookies, but they kind of fall apart when I chew them. I think I should add some butter next time..

Easy to make, easy to bake and too easy to eat! 
Next time I will bake them with cinnamon instead of licorice.

Enjoy! And let me know what you think :)

tirsdag den 22. oktober 2013

Second Day on LCHF and re-exam in law

Well, as the headline states this is my second day on the lifestyle called LCHF..
I am so surprised to realize how good I feel having been without sugar, starch and gluten for almost two days now. Sugar is really a sweet poison!
It's amazing to be on a diet where I am allowed to drink a big cup of coffee with a lot of whipped cream in it, and greasy egg and cheese.

I had a surprisingly good coffeedrink today that I want to share with you. It sounds wired, it sound like something you normally wouldn't think of together with coffee - but I tell you it's good! 
I had been checking out various LCHF-blogs and came across the egg-latte that basically consists of coffee, one egg, a tablespoon of oil and additionally sweetener and spices. Blend it all together - and boom ! You have a latte-looking coffee without milk! It's delicious. 

As the headline also states I have my oral re-exam in law tomorrow - I feel the butterflies in my stomach but I have a good feeling about it.
I will be talking about adults with specific social problems, and I have chosen to focus on homeless people with an addiction. I am looking forward to this since this is one of my favorite subject in relation to social work. I really believe that God has helped me in the process of preparing!

I have been trying to get ready for the exam by choosing the clothes for tomorrow already now (and again Flylady have been assisting me!!) I've decided to go feminine with a green style :) check this out
I'll be wearing a pair of dark leggins, a long mint green top and a long mint green tunic.
As to accessories I will be using the belt, and a matching necklace and earrings.

Well take care out there - and wish me luck! :)
Love y'all.


fredag den 6. september 2013


I received a blender for my birthday. I decided that today would be the day for me to try it with a refreshing smoothie.

So this is my own recipe for the power-smoothie. The ingredients makes is super-healthy and boost your immune defense to the sky! I must warn you though - it's very spicy!

For 1 1/2 glas (approx 0,70 cl) 

2,5 cm ginger
1/2 lime
1/4 cucumber
1/4 hot, green chili pepper 
1 banana
2 dl apple juice
5-6 ice cubes 
1) cut the ginger, cucumber, the chili pepper and the banana and put it in the blender 
2) cut the lime (obviously after you "peel" it) and put in the blender 
3) add apple juice and ice-cubes
4) start the blender 
5) when all is blended, fill it in a glass
6) enjoy!

It get's a beautiful, green color.

mandag den 3. juni 2013

My first exam as a FLY-baby

As the headline days this is my first exam as a FLY-baby. Now, for all of you who may be thinking: "What is that girl talking about?!" I will shortly explain what it means to be a FLY-baby.

A FLY-baby is a follower of the life style-changing-restructuring-life saving - program called FLY-lady. FLY is an acronym for the words: Finally Loving Yourself.
Basically what the program does is that it helps women (and men) to get their well-being(both physically and mentally) and their home under control by doing small baby-steps one day at a time. I will get back in another blog to tell you more about it. Untill then you can check out FLYladys own website: www.flylady.net

What FLY-lady is doing for me is that it is helping me to get structure in my everyday. It might sound weird, but I sense that it helps me with an holistic view on my life - so that I do not only focus on school, and then everything else doesn't matter - but I am actually able to focus on school AND still have my home and other areas in my life under control .

Tomorrow I will be going to the school to get my subject for the oral exam. Then I have three days to create and hand in an agenda for what I want to talk about during the exam.

Before these exam situation would cause me to feel rather stressed out, like: "Oh no, can I do this, and what about this and that!!! " but this time I developed my own FLY-exam-prep-program :)

I started last Saturday by making an overview over the three days; where I would be, what I would eat etc. it might sound ridiculous to plan all that beforehand, but I found out that it is a good idea of several reasons; first of all when it is planned, I can see how I should go there . Secondly I believe that it will help me to get away from the pit of trashy food that only makes my brain dull!

A thing that is helping me very much is my to-do list! I love it, I love it, I LOVE IT! As my pastor used to say about a to-do list: If you forget, the list remembers! 

So let's take a look on to nights to-do list:

DONE - pack my bag for the day at the library tomorrow
DONE - do my lunch-package ready
DONE - find clothes for tomorrow
DONE - do the dishes and clean the sink (The very first baby-step in FLYlady is to make the kitchen sink clean so it shines at you when you look at it)
DONE - find out when to take the bus tomorrow morning
DONE - upload blog
DONE - pray
- get ready for bed time
- look in the calendar for tomorrow's schedule
- nighty night! <3

So right now, 21:51 local DK-time, I have am Has ready for the day tomorrow as I could be .

Peace to y'all :)

fredag den 31. maj 2013


As said in the update-version I am soon facing two exams, ergo; I am home studying and reading.
I have a law-exam next week, and it is divided into two faces; I have to go to the school mext week to get the subject, and then I have three days to write an agenda on what I want to talk about during the examination. 21th of June I will then go to the actual exam.

So I was thinking: I need to eat proper food! Brain-food! 
I started the day with making a big portion of oatmeal-porridge with half a banana and cinnamon - mmh, yummy! Fortunately it was really foggy outside when I ate my breakfast, which gave me an opportunity to light candlesticks! (I love candlesticks!!)

So to get to the headline I will give the recipe of oatmeal-porridge-pancakes! :)

- the leftovers from the porridge
- 2 eggs
- a little butter to fry the pancakes
(Depending on your sweet-taste you can add sugar or sweetener. You can also add chopped almonds or walnuts to really give your brain a boost. I decided to take the other half of the banana and add it + some grain-cereals )

Stir porridge and egg together - add sweetener and other things
(These pancakes are definitely best as American pancakes, it will also be more natural since the amount of dough isn't so big. But unfortunately I don't have any pan for American pancakes (yet!) so I will make to smaller ones on my big pan)

Fry it on the pan (as you can see I succeeded in making small pancakes. I was just using a tablespoon to create them)
Mmh yummy! 
 In the process of making theseI am listening to Kim Walkers recent cd Still Believe . It is really good, I've added the link here so you can find it if you want to (http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a0QwrzYpJS4) 

Final result! Enjoy :)

torsdag den 30. maj 2013

My appartment

Since I am updating my blog I must tell about my new appartment!
1/3-2013 I moved into an appartment in Gellerup, Aarhus. It is situated on the 7th floor and the view is fabulous ! (Am trying to upload some pictures of it - Update: yeah I found a blogger-app so that it is easy to uploade pictures etc!)
This is the view:

Gellerup is an area in my city that has been said to be a ghetto. People are afraid of being here because the medias in Denmark has created the image that everyone living in Gellerup is gang members or violent. So I've experienced that many people asked me: "Gellerup? Are you not afraid?" And to that I can only say: NO!

I will say that this is the best place I've ever lived ! The area is great, my neighbors are the kindest family ever from Libanon. They have been of so great support for me!

The apartment is 41 square meters , and consists of a kitchen/living room and a set-aside bedroom, a bathroom and two balconies!
So when I will manage to get a few pictures posted, you will all be invited to my online housewarming :D

The sky before a rainstorm! So amazingly beautiful.

This picture is to me very special! You see, when I moved into my appartment my kitchen didn't work so I had no fridge nor a stove. 3 days after I moved in the door bell rang. Outside stood one of the girls living next-door, and they gave me this new-made food! Never in my life has potatoes, Brown gravey and Meat tasted so good!

onsdag den 29. maj 2013

Update on my life

Hi dear friends.
This is just a small Update on my life right now.
It seem as if this blog-thing didn't work out as the way I wanted it to do, but hey - I'll just start it over again :)

So, right now I am preparing for two final examns, and after the summerholiday I will begin to write my bachelor thesis. I am still not quite sure about the topic - but as far as I have thought now I assume the main subject is: "homelessness". This is a subject very close to my heart and it is also a very crucial subject, since the amount of homeless people continues to grow.

In the café in my church (Kongens Folk / The Kings people) we see many homeless people coming to the café, many of them drunk, and they are just filled with feelings of emptiness and hopelessness.
How great that we can tell them about the truth , and tell them that there is a future and hope.

Recently I have just been pondering on the truth that Gd has created me to be; ME! He didn't call me to be anybody else , He doesn't expect me to be anyone else - He just want me to relax in Himand be me! :)

So I am a Happy-Abi-Girl :)

Bless y'all